
Wednesday, April 21, 2004

This little blog is primarily about two Northwestern University students' experiences working with refugee families in Chicago. We've been doing this since January 2002 - first meeting weekly with an Iraqi family, and now with a family originally from Somalia.

We were matched up with our first (and eventually our second) family through a Christian organization called World Relief. Their Chicago office deals primarily with refugee resettlement. After 12 hours of training (in two six-hour chunks) we were off. Since then ... well, it's been interesting.

The family we work with right now is Bantu. They've been here since February; we visit them at their apartment every week.

The idea for this blog came on the bus on the way home today talking with Grace. I guess I want to record the experience more for myself than anyone, so if you're reading this and you're not me or Grace, I'm sorry if it's boring and overly introspective. :)

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