
Saturday, July 01, 2006

So I'm in Mexico City. What? Yeah, I know, I only update when I'm out of the US. I don't know why. Part of it is that Roz & I don't have internet in the apartment anymore, part of it is that my life in the US is boring.

Similarities & differences between Mexico City & Uganda for your reading pleasure:

Can’t drink the water from the tap U&MC

1 mile above sea level MC

Election going on at time of my arrival U&MC

Same president for 20+ years U

Will never elect a president for more than one term MC

Spanish-speaking MC

People calling out to you on the streets U>MC

People walking between cars selling things U&MC

Performance artists walking between cars juggling/pretending to eat broken glass MC

Upper-class, good-looking, terrible-American-music-listening youth U&MC

Terrible music listened to: “Thong Song” by Sisqo (sp?) U

“Hey Mickey” by some 1980s band MC

Cheap public transportation U&MC

Cheap public transportation on which you can watch a pirated DVD of the movie Cars MC

Cereals made in Mexico by American companies such as Special K or Zucaritas (frosted flakes): M

Cereals made in Kenya by companies with names closely imitating American companies (like Proctor & Randall for example): U

People named Emmanuel U&MC

Other Americans MC>>>U

Mexicans MC>>>U

Ugandans U>>>MC

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