
Saturday, July 22, 2006

Update: grateful wallet-owner dropped by gift. Thank you wallet owner!

It's 6:30 am, I haven't slept, I'm leaving for Michocoan (state west of Mexico City) at around 9 in the morning. I think.

I decided not to go to Acapulco, and I am rather pleased with myself. Instead I'm going by myself to two colonial cities in Michocoan to look at old churches and lakes and handicrafts and just generally feel superior for not being at the beach.

Tonight I'm staying in Patzcuaro, Sunday night in Morelia. Here are some links, I am too tired to remember how to link these in html. http://www.semarnat.gob.mx/regiones/patzcuaro/index.shtml, http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morelia

I am also hoping that this weekend will be something of a retreat. I need - well, not a break exactly - I need a weekend of reflection. I need to let my brain get worn out enough again to be able to hear God. I need to be without television, the internet or other English speakers.

Ah, OK, so tonight: both my NU roommates had left for Acapulco, so I went home and passed out at 8:00 pm, but then woke up at 10:30 and was persuaded to go out with my two Texas A&M roommates, my new Canadian roommate, and ten other Texans. Whooo. Uneventual except for the ride home (relatively early - it's 6:56 and the Texans still haven't returned). A friend of my roommates gave us a ride, along with his best friend who was completely passed out drunk in the backseat. He had to be propped up with the arm rest so that my roommate could sit on the other side. I was sitting in the driver's seat and the driver was telling me how he met this guy in prison when they were both 12 - "and he was that night just like he is now - that's why I am almost like crying when I'm telling you this!" "Beto - Beto, wake up man, there are ladies!" [To my roommate in the backseat as passed out guy collapses again onto her lap] "I'm sorry, I'm sorry - are you OK? You can just pet him if you want - he's very how you say? Very docile."

Very tired. Going to sleep now.

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